Online Resources
If you require any written work from your students, then you will want to examine (and possibly use) Turnitin. Turnitin is an online plagiarism prevention program. It is completely web-based which means that you can access the program from both on- and off-campus.
Qualtrics Online Survey
Qualtrics allows anyone to easily create professional surveys, collect responses, and analyze the responses of their created surveys. The surveys that users create in Qualtrics can be used to measure student satisfaction, poll visitors on a web site, or any number of things.
IDEA Center Knowledge Base
Functioning as a nonprofit organization, the IDEA Center serves institutions of higher education by gathering and disseminating resources, and providing consulting and training services to improve student learning through teaching excellence.
Calendar of Teaching Conferences
This page is updated yearly and categorizes conferences based on topics like assessment, diversity, or technology, etc.
Journals that Publish the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning
A handy resource that also categorizes journals by major focus: interdisciplinary, technology, discipline-specific, and general issues in higher education.
Page last updated October 17, 2019