Despite all your financial planning and applying for aid to help manage your university costs, sometimes your financial situation can change. For example, that change may be a loss of employment that now affects your ability to cover educational expenses. We may be able to help!
Professional Judgement Information
These circumstances can be challenging to deal with, but it does not mean you have to stop your educational pursuits. Below, we offer some insights into how you may receive further assistance to help support the cost of your education. Due to the comprehensive nature of the review process, it will take approximately 4 - 6 weeks for a decision to be made regarding such requests.
Special and Unusual Circumstances
Federal regulations allow limited exceptions or adjustments to information reported on your Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA庐). These exceptions are known as 鈥淪pecial and/or Unusual Circumstances鈥. We use 鈥淧rofessional Judgement鈥 to assess such circumstances and determine what additional assistance we may be able to offer you. These situations are considered on a case-by-case basis and must be supported by documentation that you provide. If you think that you have a special or unusual circumstance, please contact our office for more information.
Adjustment Requests
Page last updated February 28, 2024