Sexual Harassment, Sexual Violence, Dating/Domestic Violence or Stalking
Why Report?
Reporting of such conduct is encouraged so that the university can take appropriate steps to prevent the situation from creating an environment which is hostile to education.
Some examples of matters which are appropriate to report and file a Title IX complaint:
- A complaint of sex discrimination or sexual / gender harassment carried out by university employees, other students, or third parties. This may include sexual violence, dating violence, domestic violence, stalking or other forms of sexual harassment.
- A complaint of gender inequity in any program of the university, including athletics
All individuals participating in the university investigation, including but not limited to making an initial report, are expected to tell the truth. The university will not take any disciplinary action against students who in good faith report to the university being the victim of, or a witness to, an incident of sexual harassment, sexual assault, dating violence, or stalking for a violation by the student of the code of conduct occurring at or near the time of the incident. However, if there is a concern about a person鈥檚 safety, including but not limited to the use of alcohol/drugs, the university may recommend counseling or other educational resources to the person.
Intentional False Reporting Is Prohibited
Sexual harassment and particularly sexual assault often is not witnessed by others, and reports of such incidents cannot always be substantiated by additional evidence. Lack of additional evidence should not discourage an individual from reporting an incident. However, individuals who make reports that are later found to have been intentionally falsified or made maliciously, without regard for truth, may be subject to disciplinary action and/or criminal prosecution.
Contact Information
Holly Edwards • Title IX Coordinator • (254)-295-4870
Sanderford Administrative Complex
900 College Street • Belton, TX 76513
Page last updated June 03, 2024